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Our clients come to us through many different routes. We welcome self-referrals; it is the first proactive step towards empowering your future.
It depends on you and why you are coming to us. Everyone is unique and will make changes at their own pace. When you are 100% committed and engaged in change-work, tasks, and challenges we set together, the results can be quick. Our methods are proven to help you quickly so that even deep-rooted issues can be resolved in just a few sessions.
If you are looking for therapy to help with goals and life changes, you may benefit from a more long-term relationship with sessions further apart. For more specific problems, most clients resolve their issues in anything between one to six sessions. During our initial consultation, we will assess your needs and be able to give you ideas for a suggested programme.
Being in therapy is an opportunity to look at your life and to learn new ways of relating to yourself, others, and your circumstances. It is an opportunity not to be alone with your pain and to have someone skilled and supportive guiding you on your journey towards recovery.
Each one of us will face difficulties in our lives; the challenge is how we adapt to change. If specific issues have been causing problems in your life and you are unsure how to make the necessary changes, therapy can help. The tools and methods we use are safe, widely used, and have a reputation for producing quick results. By uniquely tailoring our sessions for you and your outcomes, we ensure it is right for you. The only thing we ask of you in return is that you are fully committed to the process, creating change within yourself, and obtaining your results.
We provide therapy for mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, stress, eating disorders, addictive behaviour, anger management issues, trauma, sleep disorders, relationship problems, and young people’s mental health conditions. More information on the conditions we treat is found in the Services tab.
No. Everyone interested in their well-being and enhancing their general quality of life and health visits us.
Therapy is a process focused on helping you learn more constructive ways to deal with the problems or issues you face. It can also be a supportive process when going through a difficult period of increased stress, such as starting a new career or going through a divorce. Generally, therapy is recommended whenever a person needs advice for relationships or work issues or a specific concern, and these issues are causing the individual a great deal of pain or stress. Millions of people visit a therapist every year, and most research shows that people who do so benefit from the interaction.
Our approach is holistic. Our therapists inspire, educate, and empower you to build a strong foundation of mental health and wellness. As a team, we teach you to choose lifestyle habits that promote positive living and optimal health while using proven therapies that are safe and effective. We apply our client-centered approach to develop individualised treatment plans to meet your needs.
Together, you and our team will begin a journey to find and correct the underlying cause of the issues. Additionally, as holistic therapists, we recognise that physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of imbalance must be addressed to restore optimal health.
Our therapists employ the best holistic approaches to help you. We are dedicated to finding the right balance of these techniques that would make the most sense for you, there’s no standard treatment style or approach. Rather, we listen carefully to your needs and goals and plan accordingly.
Our therapists and counselors are certified by the Rapid Transformational Practitioner (RTT), National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), The International Coach Federation, Certified Coach Practitioner Conscious Parenting Coaching Method, and International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
At Positive Living UAE, you will have the opportunity to freely talk about yourself and work through problems without worrying about people expressing their own opinions, criticisms, and biases. A therapist is trained to help you approach your situation in a new way by teaching you how to gain a different perspective, learn new skills, change behaviours, and listen to you without judgment or expectation. What is said in therapy is also private and confidential, which will help you discuss topics that you might find too embarrassing or difficult to share with friends or family.
Other therapies spend a great deal of time taking you back in time, often to your childhood, and exploring what led to you being the who you are today. This can mean that you end up feeling certain emotions all over again and reliving unpleasant situations without any significant change as a result. As much as it is often useful for people to have some form of understanding as to why they behave in certain ways, there are gentler ways of acquiring this insight if needed, and in isolation, that insight doesn’t get us nearer to knowing how to do things differently. It is this knowing how to do things differently that sets us apart.
We offer solution-focused coaching predominantly targeting the here & now, along with the future changes you wish to make. Should you feel you need to gain learnings from your past or let go of emotions and limiting beliefs, we can help you gently revisit your past without having to feel the emotions and relive the experiences. From there, we have all the tools to help you make those changes and reach your goals. Unlike life coaching, if issues come up along the way that need dealing with, we have the expertise and skills to resolve these and guide you successfully towards change.
To book a therapy session, visit the Contact Us tab and send your booking request or email us directly at info@positivelivinguae.com. We will contact you within the next 24 hours to book your session. If you require urgent assistance, you may call us on +971567956416.
We will have a laid-back, free initial consultation on the phone or in-person to assess whether we might make a good fit. We will ask you questions to help us understand your needs and create a programme tailored especially for you.
We know from research that the relationship between a client and therapist is one of the best predictors of whether or not therapy is effective. Hence at Positive Living UAE, we endeavour to match you with the right therapist. Depending on your initial consultation, we will recommend a therapist in our team that will suit you the most based on your needs and goals.
You usually do not need to prepare for therapy sessions. Just come with an open mind. However, to help you get the most out of your therapy, you may find it helpful to journal your thoughts and feelings before a session. You may also want to schedule some downtime afterwards to process your session, especially if you’re discussing difficult or painful topics. If opening up is new to you, you may want to practice sharing your feelings out loud in private before your session.
In our first session, you will be given a chance to settle down in the environment, whether face-to-face or via Zoom, so that you feel reassured and calm. We will review your answers to our questions and build an understanding of what the issues are, when they started, any relevant background history, how the issues make you feel, what impact they are having on your life, and how you would like to feel instead. We will be able to answer any questions that you may have before we move on to ways to create the change.
We will then use techniques like NLP, Hypnosis etc. to help bring about the change you seek. In most sessions, we generally spend some time reviewing the last session and review any tasks you may have been doing before moving on to the change work. This will be conversational and use tools and techniques that will guide you through. Towards the end, we will review the session and agree on tasks and exercises with the new choices, actions, and behaviours that you have acquired.
Therapy is very safe for everyone, from children to the elderly. We do not diagnose or treat diseases — the mind and body are simply allowed to reveal what they need to in order to restore balance and well-being. This usually brings about a marked improvement in mental and physical health.
Hypnosis is a very natural state that we all go into several times a day. However, entering a hypnotic state is easier for some people than others. Most people can reach a hypnotic state, with the significant factor being their willingness to cooperate with the process and create change in themselves.
During the session, you interact with the therapist, and although you are in an altered state, you are alert and aware. Only a minute percentage of people cannot be hypnotised. These individuals include people with psychosis, on certain medications, or with limited intelligence. Although, your subconscious mind will reject anything that is not for your benefit. And whilst we may try to get you to go back to memories to uncover the cause of an unwanted behavior pattern, if you don’t want to reveal something or prefer not to share some information, you still have the choice.
Hypnosis feels different for everyone; for most, it feels relaxing and calming. Sometimes, people feel heavy. Sometimes they feel like they are floating. Some may see colors. Some don’t feel anything at all, but that doesn’t mean that they are not in hypnosis. Most say they feel relaxed and even rejuvenated as soon as the session is over.
Also, during and for around 10 minutes after the session, some people report a tingling sensation in extremities (hands and legs), others report some heaviness in the head or light-headedness which usually goes away within a few minutes.
Absolutely! Privacy and confidentiality are our priority. All our client’s information is kept under the strictest security. Nothing you share with us will ever leave the room unless we are bound by law to do so for your safety or the safety of others. Your case notes will be filed in secure storage between sessions and will not be discussed with anyone else. This confidentiality agreement works both ways, as sometimes, we may share our own experiences with you, which should not be divulged outside of the therapy environment.
Medication alone can’t solve all your problems. What medication does is treat the symptoms. Therapy, on the other hand, is designed to help you explore the root of issues, help you understand yourself, teach you skills to manage your emotions, and guide you into building more meaningful relationships. The skills you learn in treatment will also reduce the likelihood of a future relapse. In some cases, however, medication can be effective and is sometimes needed in conjunction with therapy.
The type and number of sessions depend on you, your issues, goals, motivation, commitment, and how quickly you wish to change your life. The program is tailored to meet your personal needs.
After the consultation and evaluation process is completed, this is usually decided upon by the therapist and you according to the assessment and required lifestyle modifications on mind, body, and soul levels. Breakthrough sessions are designed to create immediate change and may not need any further sessions after the follow-up. Resolving problems may require a more consistent frequency after the first session of once weekly or fortnightly. Changes can happen quite quickly, often within the first or second session, although a little more time might be needed to explore more difficult and complex issues. Others may complete the work in the therapy stage but keep visiting once or twice a month for supportive therapy or maintenance to prevent relapse or stay on the right path.
Personal Development Coaching is best judged individually, but you start with sessions frequently and then reduce them to once monthly to stay on track, keep motivated, and achieve long-term change. Whatever your goal, it is our duty and wish to help you create change as quickly as possible and as appropriate for you.
Your active participation and dedication are crucial to the success of your treatment. The work you do outside sessions will help you see your personal growth and development. Your therapist may recommend some activities to support your session. We will show you exactly what to do and discuss how you can make the most of your treatment plan.
People’s healing processes are individualised. However, most people experience healing and change fast, some as soon as the first session. We have had clients who have left after one session having achieved what they wanted, for others, it may take 3 or 4 sessions or more.
Each person is different and it often depends upon the depth of your issues and your willingness to open up and allow change to take place. You may experience a dramatic difference straight away, or changes may be more gradual. People who complete the therapy often find that they have deeply healed issues which have plagued them for a long time. We do sometimes have clients who want to continue to see us regularly, some once or twice a month, some once a year, just to touch base and keep on track. When we help someone trust us, open up to us, and then turn their lives around, it is natural to want to stay in touch and wonder how they are getting on.
Reprogramming established and ingrained patterns of behaviour can take from 1— 30 times of hearing a suggestion to change. We see clients who quit smoking after a single session and others who may need 2 or 3 sessions or several weeks for the new behaviour to become habitual. We give you our full support to ensure that therapy is a permanent solution for you.
The cost of therapy is tailored to your needs. The packages and session rates offer exceptionally good value for money. The holistic methods we use and our expertise lead to fast, effective results. To discuss the cost of therapy sessions, please contact our office and we would be more than happy to advise.
Payment for treatment is through cash or debit/credit card.
Therapy sessions take place at our location in Dubai, UAE. If you have opted for online therapy, your sessions will take place via Zoom.
Yes. To be flexible and meet the needs of our clients, we offer online therapy that provides you access to expert therapists from the comfort of your own home, at a time that is convenient for you. The therapy sessions are via Zoom or telephone; some sessions can be followed up using these methods. Sessions in person are always preferable, especially initial consultations, and certain issues are not suitable for online therapy and might require a face-to-face. Please ask for more details, and we can discuss your unique needs and manage accordingly.
If you wish to continue your sessions whilst you are away, we can arrange this via Zoom or telephone. It is useful to inform us of your travel plans as far in advance as possible so that we can integrate this into your programme and plan around it. If you are going away for leisure time/holidays, it may well be advisable to postpone further sessions until you are back, as having free time for yourself and your enjoyment is highly beneficial to your well-being. Naturally, it is your choice, and some people want to use the downtime to work towards their outcome. If you prefer that, we can arrange tasks and exercises for you to do while away.
If you arrive 15 minutes after your scheduled appointment, you are considered late. If it is your first time, we will determine whether you can still be seen. If so, your therapy time may be shortened. Unfortunately, we cannot extend your session if you are late due to our other appointments. Details of our policy will be given to you when you make a booking.
If you need to reschedule an appointment, please call our office and we will assist you. We politely request that any last-minute changes to your appointment dates and times be made as early as possible to create windows for other clients. Although every effort is made to accommodate changes in your schedule, we request a 48-hour notice for the cancellation or rescheduling of an appointment. An alternative appointment will be offered to you at this time. Cancellations less than 48 hours in advance but still over 24 hours to session time will result in you being charged XX% of the session price, except in case of emergencies. You will be given full details of our policies when you make a booking.
Yes, we share our expertise, experience, and skills by holding workshops and training as talks and consults for schools, universities, companies, and organisations covering topics such as leadership, motivation, communication, happiness, healthy living, change, personal empowerment, relationships, and parenting just to name a few.
Yes, of course! You can refer clients to us so they can benefit from our services. We appreciate any support that you can offer very much.
Our website is very informative. If you need more information, you can visit the Contact Us tab and send your query or email us directly at info@positivelivinguae.com.
Moreover, our therapists can provide you with a free initial consultation via phone or in person to discuss your concerns and our approach.
We are always happy to receive your feedback. You can do this by visiting the Contact Us tab and sending your feedback or emailing us directly at info@positivelivinguae.com.
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