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Teen Counseling in Dubai

Counseling and therapy for teens

The Importance of Teen Counseling Services

The adolescent stage is a thrilling yet emotionally intense phase of development. As caregivers, our foremost desire is to ensure our children’s holistic well-being, promoting both physical health and emotional resilience. With today’s landscape permeated by social media influences, peer pressures, and increasingly competitive educational environments, teens face a unique set of hurdles. These challenges can be significantly magnified for those grappling with learning disabilities or mental health disorders.

Teen therapy at Positive Living is thoughtfully structured to empower both parents and their teenagers with the necessary tools to navigate and flourish in these challenging years. We create a secure, compassionate environment free from judgment where teens can candidly express their experiences and concerns.

Feeling overwhelmed by your teen’s struggles is a common sentiment among most parents, and it’s essential to remember you’re not alone in this journey. Whether you’re confronting serious issues such as self-harm, depression, runaway tendencies, family conflict, or simply trying to traverse the tumultuous path of adolescence, our team of experts is here to assist. With our parent coaching services, we are committed to helping parents assist their teens in turning these formidable years into a pathway of growth, resilience, and self-discovery.

Common Challenges Addressed During Teen Counseling

Academic Stress

Many teenagers face pressure related to academic performance, such as high expectations, exam anxiety, time management difficulties, and the pursuit of college or career goals.

Peer Relationships

Adolescence is a time when social dynamics become increasingly important. Teenagers may struggle with issues like bullying, social anxiety, peer pressure, loneliness, or difficulty forming and maintaining friendships.

Self-Esteem and Body Image

Teenagers often grapple with self-esteem issues, comparing themselves to others, and struggling with body image concerns. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-confidence, and even the development of eating disorders.

Family Conflict

Conflicts within the family, such as communication breakdowns, arguments, divorce, or changes in family structure, can significantly impact a teenager’s well-being. Teen counseling, along with the best parenting coaching in Dubai, can help address these conflicts and improve family relationships.

Emotional Regulation

Teenagers may struggle with managing their emotions effectively. This can manifest as anger outbursts, mood swings, impulsivity, or difficulty coping with stress or intense emotions.

Anxiety and Depression

Mental health challenges like anxiety and depression are prevalent among teenagers. Teens counseling in Dubai can help identify and manage these conditions, providing coping strategies and support.

Identity Exploration

Adolescence is a time of self-discovery and exploration of personal identity, including factors such as values and beliefs. Teens counseling in Dubai can provide support during this process and help teens navigate their evolving sense of self.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse or experimentation with drugs and alcohol is a significant concern for many teenagers. Teens counseling in Dubai can address the underlying factors contributing to substance use and provide strategies for prevention or treatment.

Benefits of Working with a Child Psychotherapist

Understanding Adolescent Behavior

Teen psychotherapists specialize in understanding the unique developmental changes and challenges that occur during adolescence. They offer expert insight into your teen's behavior, emotions, and thought processes, helping to decipher their complex experiences.

Early Detection and Intervention

Teen counselors can identify and diagnose mental health issues early, such as anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. Early intervention often leads to more effective treatment and better long-term outcomes.

Improved Communication Skills

Teen psychotherapists can assist teens in developing better communication skills, aiding in expressing thoughts and feelings more effectively. This can enhance relationships with family, peers, and educators, promoting overall well-being.

Building Resilience and Coping Mechanisms

Teen counselors help teens develop healthy coping strategies and resilience to deal with stressors, whether they are academic pressures, social issues, or personal concerns. These skills are invaluable throughout their lives.

Support During Major Life Transitions

Adolescence is a time of significant change and growth. The best life coach provides essential support during these transitions, helping teens navigate through these tumultuous years with greater confidence and self-understanding.

Our Approach

At Positive Living, we specialize in holistic healing approaches for teens, offering tailored therapy sessions designed to empower them in all aspects of life. Our expert team of teen psychotherapists utilizes innovative strategies to help teens overcome self-doubt and unlock their true potential. We understand that each teen is unique, so our personalized approach ensures that every session caters to their specific needs and goals. With empathetic support, we focus on building resilience and addressing mental health issues to enhance the teen’s quality of life, relationships, and social interactions. At Positive Living, we work together with parents to provide holistic healing and support for teens, enabling them to embrace a future filled with confidence and personal success.

What Our Clients Say About Us

Why choose Positive Living UAE?

  1. Expert teen’s psychotherapists: Our certified teen counselors unlock confidence, conquer self-doubt with medication-free holistic techniques.
  2. Personalized Approach: Tailored sessions address your unique needs and goals facilitated by fully trained and certified professionals.
  3. Tangible Results: Witness tangible results as your teen embarks on a transformative journey towards personal growth. Don’t just take our word for it – genuine and inspiring testimonials available upon request.
  4. Empathetic Support: At Positive Living UAE, we understand that empathy plays a crucial role in fostering healing and growth. Our dedicated teen therapists work diligently to create a safe and understanding environment where teens can openly express themselves without fear of judgment.
  5. Patient-Centered Focus: Our patient-centered approach ensures that your child’s, concerns, and goals are at the forefront of every session. We prioritize your well-being and tailor our psychodynamic techniques to provide teens with the personalized support necessary for their journey towards confidence and sustained mental health.

Choose Positive Living UAE for a confident, empowered life!


There isn’t a specific age at which a child should see a therapist. Children of all ages can benefit from therapy, depending on their unique needs. Therapy for children and teens is tailored to meet their age, maturity level, and specific needs and requirements. If a child is displaying signs of emotional distress, behavioral issues, or developmental delays, it might be helpful to consult a therapist regardless of their age.

This largely depends on local laws and regulations. In many places, minors (typically under 18) generally need parental consent to receive therapy services. However, some exceptions may allow teens to receive services without parental consent, like in situations involving abuse or neglect, or if the teen is legally emancipated. It’s important to check the specific laws in your region.

The frequency of therapy sessions varies based on the child’s specific needs and the therapist’s recommendations. Some children may benefit from weekly sessions, while others may need to attend therapy more or less frequently. The progression of therapy also plays a role, with sessions often becoming less frequent as the child learns to manage their emotions or behavior effectively. Together with your child’s therapist, you will work out the best course of action, including the frequency of their sessions.

Yes, clinical smoking for hypnosis is generally considered safe when conducted by a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy is a non-invasive and natural approach that focuses on harnessing the power of the mind. However, it’s essential to choose a reputable and certified hypnotherapist to ensure your safety and maximize the effectiveness of the sessions. It is also important to note that hypnotherapy may not be suitable for individuals with certain mental health conditions, and a consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended.

It might be beneficial to consult a clinical psychologist if your child is showing signs of struggling with mental, emotional, or behavioral issues. These can include persistent feelings of sadness or worry, difficulty concentrating, drastic changes in behavior or personality, social withdrawal, or any signs of self-harm. If their behavior interferes with school, social activities, or family life, it would be prudent to seek the help of a child psychologist. Therapy can also be helpful during transitional times, such as during a divorce, adjusting to the birth of a new child, or helping to process a loss. Remember, it’s always better to reach out to a clinical professional if you have any concerns about your child’s psychological well-being.

Counselor at Positive Living UAE

Luz Maria Villagras Surco - certified hypnosis therapist and coach

Luz Maria Villagras Surco

Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner

Luz shares her expertise and knowledge to deliver impeccable services to her clients. She is a Certified Clinical Therapist in RTT Hypnosis, NLP, Conscious Parenting Coaching, Imago Couple Therapist and a Compassionate Inquiry Psychotherapist. 

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